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中国英语学习网编辑注:以下录音材料来自日英语六级听力真题录音,本网站现为各位网友提供在线听和免费下载。 有时候可能由于网速的原因导致你们不能下载,如果你们实在不能下载而又需要的话,请在下面的评论表中留下电子邮件,我们会在一天之内传到你们的邮箱当中去,请注意查收!下载地址之一:点击右键“另存为”可下载语音下载地址之二:单击下载下载地址之三:点击下载12月24日英语六级听力真题下载地址之五:点击下载(这个速度比较快推荐使用)Question 1: A: The dean just announced that Doctor Holden’s going to take over as chairman of the history department. B: I knew it’s all along keep the obvious choice. All the other candidates are none reach for him. Q: What does the woman mean? A) The dean should have consulted her on the appointment. B) Dr. Holden should have taken over the position earlier.C) She doesn’t think Dr. Holden has made a wise choice. D) Dr. Holden is the best person for the chairmanship.Question 2: A: Hey, let me know your how your famis going. I’ll miss you guys while I’m here working in the library. B: I’ll be working too. But I’ll send you an email or call you onto the while. When we all get back to school we can have a party or something. Q: What do we learn about the two speakers? A) They’ll keep in touch during the summer vacationB) They’ll hold a party before the summer vacationC) They’ll do odd jobs together at the school libraryD) They’ll get back to their school once in a whileQuestion 3: A: I know it’s the end of the season. But those pictures were such a bargain that I couldn’t help buying them. Have one please. B: Thank you. Actually they seem pass there claim. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A) Peaches are in season now.B) Peaches are not at their best now.C) The woman didn’t know how to bargain.D) The woman helped the man choose the fruit.Question 4: A: The assignment on physics is a real challenge. I don’t think I can finish it on time all by myself. B: Why don’t we join our answers together? It maybe easier then. Q: What does the woman suggest?A) They join the physics club.B) They ask for an extension of the deadline.C) They work on the assignment together.D) They choose an easier assignment. Question 5: A: Jane really lost her temper on Doctor Brown‘s class this morning. B: Oh? Did she? But I think her friendlessness is something to be appreciated. Q: What does the woman mean?A) She admires Jean’s straightforwardnessB) She thinks Dr. Brown deserves the praiseC) She will talk to Jean about what happenedD) She believes Jean was rude to Dr. Brown Question 6: A: We heard that when you are a kid you satiated a story to read it digest. B: Well, I don’t remember the story exactly. But my idea of a great time then was a pad of lined paper and a new blue pen. I thought myself as a readers digests’ staff member at the age of 6. Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?A) He liked writing when he was a childB) He enjoyed reading stories in Reader’s DigestC) He used to be an editor of Reader’s DigestD) He became well known at the age of six Question 7: A: Your son circularly shows a lot of enthusiasm on the tennis course. B: I only wish he show it much for his studies. Q: What does the woman imply about her son? A) He shows great enthusiasm for his studiesB) He is a very versatile personC) He has no talent for tennisD) He does not study hard enoughQuestion 8: A: We supposed to meet John here at a railway station. B: That’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. Q: What does the man imply? A) John has lost something at the railway stationB) There are several railway stations in the cityC) It will be very difficult for them to find JohnD) The train that John is taking will arrive soonQuestion 9: A: Professor Stevenson, as an economist, how do you look upon the surgent Chinese economy? Does it constitute the threat to the rest of the world? B: I believe China’s economics success should be seen more opportunity than the threat. Those who look upon it as a threat overlook the benefit of China’s growth to the world‘s economy. They also lack understanding of elementary economics. Q: What does Prof. Stevenson think of China’s economy? A) Its rapid growth is beneficial to the worldB) It can be seen as a model by the rest of the worldC) Its success can’t be explained by elementary economicsD) It will continue to surge forwardQuestion 10: A: Our school has just built some apartments near campus. But one bedroom rends for 500 dollars a month. B: That’s a big beyond the reach of most students. Q: What does the man mean? A) It takes only 5 minutes to reach the campus from the apartmentsB) Most students can’t afford to live in the new apartmentsC) The new apartments are not available until next monthD) The new apartments can accommodate 500 students标准答案:1-5 DABCA 6-10 ADCAB
转贴于:"Lay an egg" means for someone to embarrass or disappoint with their performance.It's yours to lose means you'll probably have it unless you do something really stupid. Raymond Zhou周黎明,Raymond Zhou,中国日报资深专栏作家,用地道英语撰写社会、娱乐等题材的评论文章。 张欣中国日报资深专栏作家,用地道英语撰写词汇解读文章,选用国外的报刊例句加深读者对词汇的理解。 Leon双语心理治疗师,前尚友雅思版频道主编,擅长美语,用生动的语言撰写轻松有趣的口语文章。
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摘要: 中医埋线减肥有不错的减肥效果。埋线减肥是针灸减肥的延伸和发展,是改良式外灸,不会造成反弹,是非常健康有效的减肥方法。但还是有不少人质疑,埋线减肥真的不反弹吗?下面,就针对大家的疑惑,进行详解解答。
今天是第11个&世界献血者日&。近年来,中国一些城市频繁曝出血液供应紧张...(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
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埋线减肥的原理 不用节食不运动一样瘦
埋线减肥的原理 不用节食不运动一样瘦
而且节食过度对人的身 体有一定的损害,因而不宜推荐。还有一部分人,号称&吃货&,属于美食当前,&吃完再减型&的,这种人往往会越减越肥,只因管不住自己的嘴。
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display: 'inlay-fix'埋线减肥之后适宜做哪些运动_减肥百科_壹药网你现在所在位置:>>>>埋线减肥之后适宜做哪些运动关键词:&&&来源:壹药网  是将特殊的线植入到体内,而通过线的作用来对某些穴位进行刺激,就可达到减肥的效果。如果之后,能够多做一些运动,对减肥还是非常有利的,那要多做怎样的运动呢?下面我们就给大家介绍埋线减肥之后适宜做哪些运动?  埋线减肥之后适宜做哪些运动?  1.抬腿抬头两头起  减腹部最重要的运动就是两头起,腹部埋线后都要认真来做,首先平躺两腿伸直,并腿抬高约六十度角,放下后再抬,共做十个是为减上腹部的;然后平躺下来,抬起上半身约六十度角,不要用手撑,躺下再抬,再做十个为减下腹;最后平躺将上面两个一起做,同时抬腿,抬头,最好保持几秒钟,再躺下,再抬起,共做十个。  2.四方向两头起  四方向两头起是分别以腰、腹、侧腰(双)为着力点进行两头起,如下图4、5、6,此运动对游泳圈明显的中段较胖的人尤为适合。以腹部着地的两头起也叫背飞或小燕飞,对瘦腰背和臀部非常好。  3.蹲起  蹲起非常适合臀部大腿肥胖的患者,做法是先两脚与肩同宽站立,两手虎口相对握紧与肩同高,手臂略呈弧形,吸一口气,上身尽量挺直下蹲,要蹲到大腿与地面平行。  4.背手起立  双手在身后虎口交叉握紧,收紧臀部大腿,收紧腹部,用挺胸的力量将身体拔起,提起脚跟,用脚尖着地,同时将握紧的两手尽力后拉,使身体向一张绷紧的弓,然后放下,再起,做二十个。这个运动是我推荐需要做一生的运动,尤其是对女士它能够照顾到爱美的各个方面:提起脚跟,小腿不会胖;收紧臀部大腿,臀部不下垂,大腿不会胖;收紧腹部,小腹紧实;向上拔起,腰部不生赘肉;挺胸能使胸部不下垂;向后拉手不会长蝴蝶袖,而且能够让脊椎背伸、挺直,防治颈椎、腰椎疾病。真是最好的运动方式啊,而且随时随地都可运动,不受任何限制,极力推荐啊!  5. 背手弯腰上拉  双手在身后虎口交叉握紧,弯腰九十度,双臂伸直尽力向上拉,同时翘起脚跟,像是被吊起的感觉,连做二十个。此运动专减蝴蝶袖,胳膊粗的要多练。  6.双膝夹书  对于整天坐在电脑前面不动而又大腿内侧胖的人,坐着时可以在两膝中间夹一本厚书或字典,并不影响工作又能瘦腿。  7. 肘碰膝  锻炼要养成习惯,随时随地进行,坐在椅子上(或沙发上)臀部尽量靠前一些,做肘碰膝的运动,肘膝同时动,步调一致。此法减腹部最好。  埋线减肥联合运动才能让减肥更快速,因为每运动一次,体内的线就会牵动一次,而如果多运动,就可让线多刺激穴位,这样就会让减肥更有效,更迅速。推荐用药:其它类¥0.00400-007-0958( 9:00-21:00免长途费 )推荐用药:¥400-007-0958( 9:00-21:00免长途费 )最新文章 壹药网埋线减肥专区提供埋线减肥咨询,包括埋线减肥副作用、中医埋线减肥、埋线减肥效果等埋线减肥的信息,让你早日实现埋线减肥大计,从此瘦下来。 【】相关阅读热门文章12345678910论坛热帖12345678910热门问答12345678910用药推荐热门用药热点专区我要提问万名医生在线解答请详细描述您的疑问,有助医生快速帮您解答!声明:在壹药网百科平台中所有关于疾病的建议都不能代替执业医师的面对面诊断。医生及网友言论仅代表其个人观点,请谨慎参阅,本站不承担相关法律责任。


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