
1.您的性别是?( &)*2.您的年级是?( )*A.大一B.大二C.大三D.大四E.研一3.如果没有互联网,您的生活会怎样?( )*A.很无聊,生活没有意义B.无所谓,对自己没有影响C.觉得这样更好,更有利于自己学习4.您平时是利用何种媒介上网的?( )*A.自己的笔记本电脑B.网吧的电脑C.学校机房电脑D.手机5.请问您办理了校园宽带业务吗? 是( )
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经典语录专题关于现在科技的方便带动我们的生活 可是便捷的生活我们也失去了原本拥有的东西 时代 坚守关于现在科技的方便带动我们的生活 可是便捷的生活我们也失去了原本拥有的东西 时代 坚守 是重点 作文800字
据国外媒体报道,虽然现在人类把绿色能源的目光聚焦在了太阳能、风能和核能这些能源上,但是在我们的地球上还有其他一些可以被人类利用的绿色能源.科学家还在积极努力,探索那些新的能源产品.相信在不久的未来,更惊人更有吸引了的能源产品就会问世.下面让我们来看看未来有可能被开发的10大新能源.   1.人体能量   如果你生活在大城市,那么在不久的将来,你的身体也会成为一种城市能源.人类活动如跑步、散步等都可以用来产生能量.美国麻省理工学院建筑和规划系的学生詹姆斯·格拉汉姆和撒德尤思·朱思雅克设计出一个可将人行走时产生的能量转化为电能的“概念性城市设计”.在城市里铺设采用压电材料制作的地板,内装动作感应系统,可将行人的每一个行走动作瞬间产生的能量都转换成电能.他们的这种设计可以实现未来城市的基础设施照明,是未来城市基础能源的一种很有借鉴意义的新能源替代方法.人体能量也是第一次成为最有可能实现的新能源产品之一.   2.粮食能源   迅速增长的生物燃料让我们得到启示:粮食永远伴随人类的一生,那么粮食产生的能量也会永远伴随人类一生.澳大利亚的一家公司就已经从椰子上开始生产能够替代柴油的新能源“椰子油”了.椰子作为替代柴油的燃料由来已久.在第二次世界大战期间,由于柴油供应短缺,在当时的菲律宾,椰子油就成为一种受当地人喜欢的替代燃料.大约半打椰子就可以生产出一升汽油产生的能量.   目前,世界各国都在开始研究粮食能源,希望从伴随人类一生的粮食上找到未来可替代石油的能源.欧洲的国家在研究如何从葡萄中提炼乙醇.   3.藻类能源   在科学家的眼中,藻类是地球上石油和天然气的来源,并且藻类被环保者和能源生产者视为最环保的物质.有数据表明,每亩大小的藻类可以产生比传统的乙醇来源(如玉米)高15倍的能源.这些绿色植物甚至可以像海绵一样如饥似渴地吸取二氧化碳.   在过去,用藻类提取能源的费用非常昂贵.加上藻类的生长受诸多条件限制,阻碍了其作为大规模生物燃料的生产应用.特别是藻类需要在大量的阳光下才能生长,这制约了藻类能源的发展.但美国旧金山的Solazyme公司却设计出了一个新的办法,他们在黑暗的环境中用糖喂养海藻,然后再提取加工成各种燃料.目前该公司还在尝试转基因藻类植物的提取和加工,一旦未来得到许可,转基因藻类将成为重要的新能源来源.   4.细菌能源   大肠杆菌一向不受欢迎,但是在未来也许就很受欢迎了,因为能从大肠杆菌中提取能源.   美国硅谷的LS9公司的研究员去年初已经发明了一种细菌遗传改造转基因技术:细菌中也可以提取“石油”.他们利用生物工程技术,对包括大肠杆菌在内的不同菌株进行遗传改造和微生物转基因培养,促使这些微生物在细菌的作用下,把能量转换成乙醇或石油替代品.   在未来,一切都成为可能,细菌也会成为最受欢迎的能源产品.   5.垃圾能源   在上世纪80年代好莱坞的典型影片《回到未来》中,疯狂的科学家用香蕉皮、蛋壳和其他形式的垃圾转变成气体,来作为时间旅行机的燃料.现在,好莱坞科幻电影中的情节变为了现实.加拿大拟建造北美地区规模最大的汽化垃圾发电厂.科学家相信在经过初期焚烧发电的简单工艺之后,新技术的出现在未来有望引领垃圾发电进入新阶段.   该新型垃圾发电厂号称北美第一的汽化垃圾发电厂.整个项目将耗资1.25亿美元,建成之后每天能吸收城市生活垃圾400吨,每天发电量可达到21兆瓦.   废物转化为能源一直很有争议,批评人士认为在产生能源的同时会伴随出现温室气体.但是科学家发明的一种名为等离子电弧汽化发电的技术.这种技术在经济成本上和环保指标上具备很大优势.加拿大帕拉斯科能源集团已经和政府签订合同,采用这种新技术在未来生产更多的能源.   6.天气能源   这听起来有点不可思议,不过加拿大工程师路易斯·米彻尔德正在实验一种新的清洁能源产生方式:人造龙卷风.他提出的大气能源转换理论非常吸引人.这个理论并不复杂,当气流上升温度升高时就会引起温度的差异,于是空气随之开始形成漩涡,漩涡带动发电机产生电能.   此时的漩涡已经是可以抵达对流层的真正龙卷风了,其风速高达每小时200英里.用这种发电系统能够产生200兆瓦特的电能,这足以供给20万户家庭的用电需求.   在日本,寒冷的天气也不会被白白浪费掉.日本北海道新千岁机场使用冬季的积雪为夏天机场的候机大楼降温,机场跑道使用顶级的隔热设备,能够最大限度地减少积雪融化.据测算,这一计划如能实现预期目标,每年可节约制冷费用约6000万日元,此外还能通过减少用电而起到削减二氧化碳排放的效果.   7.温室气体能源   发展清洁能源是为了遏制温室气体对环境造成影响的一大原因.但是美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的科学家认为,其实温室气体一样也可以产生清洁能源,这是因为现有的技术可以将有害的温室气体变成燃料.例如温室气体中的碳酸钾在一些化学手段下可以高效吸收空气中的二氧化碳.另一个值得我们注意的是,科学家正在测试一种热电发电机,看看是否从汽车排气系统中的废气中重新捕捉能源并产生电力.   8.有机废物能源   清洁能源其实来源并不清洁,简单地说,就是将有机垃圾变成燃料.美国正大规模兴起使用清洁能源的热潮,旧金山的人们在城市街道上收集宠物粪便,宠物粪便通过一定的设备可转化为生物燃料.在加利福尼亚州,老式的沼气设备非常受欢迎.   未来也许这些有机废物通过技术革新也会成为新能源产品.现在在美国,已经出现了专门收集有机废物的能源转换工厂,专门收集各种有机废物,来提取生物燃料.   9.IT能源   开发替代能源可以缓解能源困境,但它们并非惟一的解决办法.
  家庭和企业的大部分能源成本很高,是因为利用能源的效率不高,浪费太严重.美国一家新成立的Sentilla公司,重点研究能源管理技术.   通过智能芯片和软件来提高能源利用效率.他们研制的芯片能够测量计算机和服务器的耗电量,然后通过分析数据,得出最有效的使用IT设备的计划,充分提高IT产品的能源使用效率.   谈到利用效率,人们经常会说可以升级电网.但是由于技术问题,传统电网产生的电能至少有7%都被浪费掉了,无形中给消费者增加了成本.美国银泉绿色科技公司认为,未来智能电网技术可能会解决这些浪费问题.该公司把网卡集成到电力设备、燃气表、及水表上,使每个家庭的电器终端拥有独立的IP地址,这样就可以跟踪监测公用事业企业和消费者的实际能源消耗情况,达到节能的目的.   10.空气能源   当不刮风时,风力发电场就必须依靠其他的能源来维持发电机的运行.空气如何持续不断地提供能源呢?随着汽车制造商在这方面投入越来越大的兴趣,空气能源的利用技术将不是问题.   压缩空气能源储存系统的原理是将空气压缩进地下存储罐,作为风力涡轮机电机的备用能源.汽车制造企业还期望利用类似压缩空气的原理制造出零排放的汽车.一家瑞典汽车制造公司MDI,开发出了这种储存压缩空气燃料罐的空气动力原型车,能将压缩的空气高压储存在燃料罐中,当空气被释放,它的膨胀力会推动引擎的活塞运动.
From NPR News in Washington. I'm Jack Speer.In a major about face from the policies of the previous president, the Obama administration said today it will participate directly in group talks with Iran over the country's suspected nuclear program. State Department spokesman Robert Woods says the decision means the U.S. will join senior diplomats from the five permanent members of UN Security Council and Germany in meeting with Iranian officials.” If Iran accepts, we hope this will be the occasion to seriously engage Iran on how to break the logjam of recent years and work in a cooperative manner to resolve the outstanding international concerns about its nuclear program. U.S. and Iran have not had diplomatic relations since the 1979 Islamic Revolution and a subsequent hostage-taking at the U.S. Embassy in Teheran. The Bush administration had labeled Iran a part of what it termed the axes of evil .The death toll in central Italy's devastating earthquake has risen to 260 as the country prepares to bury some of its dead in a mass state funeral on Friday. NPR's Sylvia Poggioli reports from the city of L'Aquila.Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi visited the earthquake area for the third day in a row. He said a total of 28,000 people had lost their homes with 70,000 now living in tents, and the rest in free hotel rooms or staying with relatives. Berlusconi also announced the draft of a new tough law against looting. In fact, the severely damaged Historic Center of the city has been declared off-limits to residents. Aftershocks continued after Monday's major tremor, Italy's worst in three decades. A tremor on Tuesday at 5.6 magnitude caused further damage to the basilica and to a 16-century castle. Early estimates put the cost of the earthquake's damage at 1.5 to 2.2 billion dollars, a severe blow for an economy that is rearing from its worst recession in decades. Sylvia Poggioli,NPR News,L'Aquila. General Motors and Chrysler both launched supplier-support programs today designed to help keep suppliers in business with the help of federal funding. Michigan Radio’s Tracy Samulton has more. U.S. auto suppliers are hurting as auto production continues to slide. The U.S. Treasury said last month that it would give Ford, Chrysler and GM five billion dollars to pass on to their most critical suppliers. Ford declined the aid. GM get about two billion dollars in supplier funds and Chrysler about 1.5 billion. Jim Joe Ladison, auto analyst with CSM Worldwide. I do have serious doubts that the amount that’s allocated to Chrysler and General Motors, and I would take Chrysler in particular, ah, may not be enough to, to carry it through this very difficult time. The automakers have not set which suppliers will receive the money but American Axle could be at the top of GM's list. The supplier is in bad shape and its survival is crucial for GM. For NPR News, I'm Tracy Samulton in Ann Arbor.On Wall Street today, the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 47 points to end the session at 7,837.The NASDAQ rose 29 points. The S P 500 gained 9 points.This is NPR.Police from Pittsburg and surrounding regions gathered today to pay the respects to three police officers killed by a gunman after they responded to a reported domestic dispute. Police band pipes played as the bodies of Eric Kelly, Stephen Mayhle and Paul Sciullo were carried into Pittsburg City County Building today. The men were shot to death after responding to an argument between a woman and her 22-year-old son. The man is currently jailed on homicide charges. It’s alleged the man laying way for the police officers. However in a viewing today a public memorial service is scheduled for tomorrow.The Food and Drug Administration has Okayed a test that can tell if someone is infected with a dangerous bird flu virus in minutes rather than hours. NPR's Richard Knox reports.If the so-called H5N1 bird flu virus learns how to spread rapidly among humans as health officials fear it might, fast action will be necessary to prevent a global pandemic. Previous tests for H5N1 infection took up to four hours to get results and were more cumbersome to use in rural areas where bird flu is often popped up. The new test gets results in forty minutes, the FDA says, it picks up a bird flu protein in throat or nose slobbers and doesn't require a blood sample .A California company called Arbor Vitae developed the test in collaboration with the U.S.Navy. The World Health Organization reports more than 400 cases of H5N1 bird flu since 2003 concentrated in South Asia and Northern Africa, more than 60% of victims have died .Richard Knox, NPR News.Some better than expected inventory numbers at the wholesale level, the Commerce Department says the nation's wholesalers reduce the stock pile of unsold goods and backlogs in warehouse shelves by the steepest amount in 17 years in February. Comment says wholesale inventories fell by 1.5%.I'm Jack Speer, NPR News in Washinton.JUDY WOODRUFF: India has the world s largest number of people, about 76 million, without access to clean drinking water. And that s according to a report the international charity WaterAid released last month.As special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports, an innovative solution to that problem is popping up across the country.His report is part of our Breakthroughs series.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: The United Nations estimates that women in India spend a collective 150 million workdays every year just gathering water, water that s increasingly scarce and polluted.Now, in parts of the country, including this Delhi suburb, an experiment is under way. It s called a water ATM. Customers purchase credit on a prepaid card, scan it at the tap, and out comes water that s drawn from the ground and purified right at the site, using a technology called reverse osmosis.Amit Mishra manages the Delhi facilities for a social business called Sarvajal, which hopes to use reinvest profits it makes to sustain these outlets over the long term.This where the water gets purified. It goes into the large tanks here storage?AMIT MISHRA: Yes.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: With charitable grants for the $30,000 of equipment and land given by the local government, Sarvajal can charge customers a fraction of the price of commercially bottled water, which most people here cannot afford.Fetching water remains a mostly female chore. It s still self-service with heavy lifting. But it s a massive improvement over what most of Delhi s poorer neighborhoods have.WOMAN (through interpreter): By 12:00?FRED DE SAM LAZARO: We filmed their ordeal six years ago.WOMAN (through interpreter): By 4:00.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: The long wait for a municipal tanker truck that has no fixed schedule, the mad dash when it finally arrives.The city s middle class buys its way out of such chaos. Jyoti Sharme lives in an apartment that s hooked up to the city water supply, better off, but hardly well off.JYOTI SHARMA, Activist: We get water 45 minutes a day in the morning, and that s it.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: From the city?JYOTI SHARMA: Yes, into these storage tanks.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: She described an elaborate jury-rigged system of pumps or motors homeowners use to extract water from the aging city pipes.JYOTI SHARMA: These are all pipelines made by the people themselves. And these motors, they actually create a suction vacuum. So, if there is no water in the pipeline, any crack in the pipe will allow sewer or dirty water to get into the pipelines.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: And things have hardly improved for most people since our 2010 visit.K.H. PATIL, State Legislator: In India, every 21 seconds, we lose a child.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: K.H. Patil is a state legislator and self-described water activist in the southern province of Karnataka.K.H. PATIL: Because of contaminated water, the health of our children is really very badly affected.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: Across India, it is contaminated by industrial and agricultural discharges and poor to nonexistent sewage treatment.I have got two glasses from either end of the purification process. This one has clean water. This one has the raw water that comes out of the ground. They re indistinguishable to the naked eye, but Amit Mishra here has a meter to measure the total dissolved solids, and it s here that you really see the difference. So, let s do the clean water first.AMIT MISHRA: So, the clean water says around 130 of total dissolved solids.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: One hundred and 30, within the World Health Organization range for drinkable water.AMIT MISHRA: Yes.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: OK, and let s go to the contaminated water now, 1,912.So, this is really like poison?AMIT MISHRA: This is really like poison.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: And it s what many people consume: so-called raw water drawn directly from the ground, sometimes bottled and sold by unscrupulous, unregulated operators.AMIT MISHRA: For our uneducated, there is no difference between the clean and the clear.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: But among those who have literally gotten a taste of clean water, there s growing awareness of the health benefits. In the tiny space that is living room, bedroom and kitchen, Poonam echoed what we heard from several Sarvajal customers, as she prepared the family dinner, carefully pouring the water that s just as precious as her staple rice.WOMAN (through interpreter): In the past, we always suffered from upset stomachs, frequently running to the latrine. We had to go long distances to pick it up, and so we would buy water, and that was full of chemicals. This water is really good.K.H. PATIL: People see what is happening, and with all that, now they are getting educated.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: And Minister Patil says governments at all levels are starting to respond to the drinking water crisis.The Karnataka government, for example, has commissioned 7,000 kiosks or ATMs like this one in a semirural area, pinning high hopes on technology and on private companies that run these facilities that will have an incentive to improve the notoriously unreliable service.For your incentive to keep the thing running properly is very plain to see. You will lose money if the system is down.AMIT MISHRA: Yes.FRED DE SAM LAZARO: Still, he says, despite many satisfied customers, growth has been slower than Sarvajal had planned.The politics are complicated, he says, in the world s most populous democracy, even for life s most basic necessity.For the PBS NewsHour, this Fred de Sam Lazaro in New Delhi.JUDY WOODRUFF: And Fred s reporting is a partnership with the Under-Told Stories Project at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota.来自:VOA英语网 文章地址: /html//PBS-Can-water-ATMs-solve-Indias-water-crisis.html
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