
电子期刊 - 中国合规网/Compliance in China
&& 电子期刊
发布日期: 19:45:53
1. The first China-related FCPA case in 2013......
2. 2013中国上市公司FCPA第一案......
3. Possible Impacts of the Dodd-Frank Act on U.S. Companies Doing Business in Asia......
4. 全国纪检监察清退会员卡 / No membership card is allowed for bribery fighters......
5. How U.S. -- Listed Chinese Companies Should Respond to Accounting Fraud Allegations
发布日期: 0:05:00
1. China Aims to Strengthen the Protection of Consumers’ Personal Information..........2. Four Highlights on Amendments of Consumers’ Protection Law (in Chinese)..........3. Anti-Monopoly Law Training..........4. Antitrust Case Study on U.S. Territory Jurisdiction (in Chinese)..........5. 2012 Ten Major Cases of Chinese Courts on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (in Chinese)
发布日期: 14:43:00
The Head of China of a U.K. Top Ten Law Firm: “…There are lots of books and seminars on FCPA and UK Bribery law, but no one can combine them well in the Chinese law context except Henry Chen.
So it is a great opportunity to learn from him." ..........The Asia Pacific General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer of a Fortune 500 company: “I have attended many summits and conferences on the FCPA.
This is the best.”..........The Director of Operations of a leading provider of risk management services and solutions for organizations throughout the world: “Excellent.
Very helpful.
Solid foundation & vivid examples.
Easy to learn.”..........Next training: Sept. 6 /
发布日期: 2:35:00
《商业贿赂风险管理法律汇编》......This is the bibliography of laws and regulations of the book Bribery Risk Management in China (Chinese version).
发布日期: 18:37:00
发布日期: 23:11:00
- 葛兰素史克案件为什么会发生?---------- 医药公司对医生行贿的风险有哪些?---------- 行贿人被查处的可能性有多大?---------- FCPA与中国法律的一个重大区别:贿赂国企的责任不一样?---------- 一个贿赂案件往往怎样被发现的?----------公司犯罪,谁应当承担法律责任?---------- 药企会议该怎么开?----------哪些药企会议与讲课是有问题的?---------- 公司如何应对举报人的“讹诈”?
发布日期: 22:16:00
- Enforce FCPA through Prism (English version)..........- Detailed Rules on Labour Dispatch Released..........- Compliance Roundtable: An economic analysis of Retail Price Maintenance..........
- Ten Innovative Court Cases of 2012 on IP Protection
发布日期: 16:38:00
共9条 页次:1/2 每页:8条
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